September is World Alzheimer’s Month

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider

September is World Alzheimer’s Month

Every September is World Alzheimer’s Month where people from around the world come together to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that remains. This year’s World Alzheimer’s Month campaign ‘Time to Act on Dementia, Time to Act on Alzheimers’ seeks to redress discrimination, while highlighting the positive steps being undertaken by organisations globally to develop a more dementia friendly society. 

How to Support World Alzheimer’s Month

Donate: Help to find a cure by making a donation today.
Research: Take part in research by joining Dementia Research.
Volunteer: There are many inventive ways to volunteer whether by running marathons or holding awareness talks within your community.

Numerous tactics and advice are accessible to assist families and caregivers in offering the highest quality of care for loved ones grappling with this advancing condition. Care 24-7 can provide you with information about caring for your loved one with dementia with the below tips and strategies.

Did You know?

Almost 80% of the general public are concerned about developing dementia at some point according to The World Alzheimer’s Report.

September is World Alzheimer's Month

Understand the Condition

By acquiring extensive knowledge about the condition, caregivers are empowered to make informed choices for their loved ones. Read resources or watch videos to learn more. Organisations such as Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK can be invaluable sources of information and guidance.

It is helpful for families to familiarise themselves with the four distinct varieties of this condition and their associated symptoms. Grasping the fundamentals, including its onset and progression, can aid in understanding that mood and behavior changes are common for loved ones affected by it. The more you know about it, the more support that can be provided.

  • Alzheimer’s disease: challenges in recognising individuals, difficulties in communication, and impulsive actions.
  • Frontotemporal dementia: characterised by heightened emotions, tremors, and balance issues.
  • Lewy body: trouble focusing, muscle stiffness, and diminished facial expressions.
  • Vascular: may lead to hallucinations or delusions, misplaced belongings, and impaired judgment.
September is World Alzheimer's Month

Simplify the Environment

Simplifying the environment can be a challenge for many caregivers but it is very beneficial as it prevents confusion and unwanted accidents. As families want a comfortable and safe environment for their loved ones, simplicity can be key in fostering a peaceful home. Living in an overly stimulating setting with excess clutter, loud noises or bright lights may cause confusion. It then becomes difficult to make sense of immediate surroundings causing distress.

Three simple steps to take in simplifying the home:

  • Place objects and items out of the way that can cause confusion and stress by removing them from walkways when they are not needed, preventing falls.
  • Keeping the environment clean and uncluttered is key. Cleaning often creates a more structured environment for loved ones where they can feel at ease and comfortable inviting guests over, allowing them to remain sociable.
  • Place colourful labels on items and drawers. This saves time and confusion when looking for certain items and will help with memory loss if they forget where they left something.

Communicate Effectively

For families, communication is essential in order to maintain a meaningful connection. Having a positive outlook and creating a loving atmosphere will boost morale. Allowing plenty of time for answering questions when communicating and using physical prompts such as gestures can also be very effective. It’s important to remain patient and kind while ensuring your loved one feels respected and valued throughout any conversation taking place.

Tips on Communicating:

• Speak in a calm and reassuring manner
• Use simple, clear language
• Be patient and understanding
• Maintain eye contact

Activity Participation

One of the best ways to care for loved ones is to help them remain active. This can mean getting them involved in day-to-day tasks in and around the home. Providing activities can improve the quality of life for them, their families and caregivers.

Families should first consult with their elderly loved one’s medical professionals to tailor activities based on their individual care plan. These activities should be enjoyable and encourage socialisation, helping to retain mental sharpness and muscle strength. Visually stimulating activities that involve the brain processing what the human eye sees, can be extremely beneficial.

Activities that provide visual stimulation include:

  • Painting
  • Gardening
  • Completing jigsaw puzzles
  • Playing board games

Activities are an essential component in the treatment of Alzheimers and engaging in them can strengthen relationships when they are carried out together and provide a sense of togetherness for families.

At Care 24-7, we aspire to support people living with this condition to live healthy, active and fulfilling lives promoting choice, dignity and well-being. 

You can find out more about the benefits of in-home care for loved ones with Dementia in our previous blog and learn more about Our Personalised Care Plans for your loved on.

older person home care services in bradford and leeds and Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: Tips and Strategies

Home Care plays an integral part in helping to maintain the quality of life while managing the physical and emotional needs of those living with this condition. It is important to help maintain comfort, safety, and quality of life for all involved. Why not get involved this September and show your support for all those affected by Alzheimers. Through various activities, the stigma surrounding it can be reduced while bringing communities together.

Want to know more about our dementia services?

The Impact of Caregiving on Nutrition and Hydration

The Impact of Caregiving on Nutrition and Hydration
The Impact of Caregiving on Nutrition and Hydration

The Impact of Caregiving on Nutrition and Hydration

This week is Nutrition and Hydration Awareness Week which runs from the 11th-17th of March and aims to highlight and celebrate improvements by helping individuals to become reinforced, more focused and more energised around this topic. There are a number of ways to get involved and it is open to anyone who wants to help people understand the importance of nutrition and hydration within health and social care.

Caregivers are committed to providing high quality, safe and effective care which treats people with compassion, dignity and respect. It impacts many aspects of day to day life. The impact of caregiving on nutrition and hydration highlights how it is an integral part of the health process for elderly individuals especially.

This is something Care 24-7 feels very passionate about as dedicated caregivers and nutritionists who work closely with clients and their families to develop personalised care plans that promote healthy eating and hydration habits. This ensures the right care is delivered in the right way, enabling them to regain or maintain their quality of life in their own home.

The Impact of Caregiving on Nutrition and Hydration

Understanding Nutrition and Hydration

Nutrition refers to the intake of food necessary for optimal health and growth and hydration is the process of providing the body with an adequate amount of water to maintain proper bodily functions. Both are essential components of maintaining good health, especially for elderly individuals with medical conditions.

A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats is essential for overall health. Staying properly hydrated is vital for maintaining temperature regulation, digestion, and circulation.

The Role of Caregivers

Caregivers play a pivotal role in ensuring that individuals under their care receive adequate nutrition and hydration. The act of caregiving involves not only attending to the emotional and physical needs of individuals but also ensuring they receive adequate nourishment to support their overall health. This responsibility encompasses various tasks and responsibilities, including meal preparation, grocery shopping, assisting with eating and drinking, and monitoring fluid intake.

The Impact of Caregiving on Nutrition and Hydration
  • Meal Preparation: Meals are often planned and prepared to the dietary needs and preferences of those under their care. This may involve considering specific dietary restrictions, such as allergies or medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease.
  • Monitoring Fluid Intake: Monitoring fluid intake is crucial, particularly for individuals who may have difficulty recognising thirst cues or those at risk of dehydration. Caregivers track and encourage fluid consumption throughout the day, ensuring that hydration needs are met.
  • Assistance with Eating and Drinking: Some individuals may require assistance with eating and drinking due to physical limitations or cognitive impairments. Caregivers provide support with tasks such as feeding, ensuring adequate nourishment and hydration is received.
  • Education and Advocacy: Caregivers also serve as educators and advocates, providing information on the importance of nutrition and hydration and advocating for specific needs within healthcare settings.

Challenges and Strategies

While the role of caregiving is undeniably fulfilling, it comes with its unique set of challenges. Caregivers have the responsibility of not only providing emotional support but also ensuring the physical well-being of their loved ones or patients. However, navigating dietary restrictions, managing limited appetite, and encouraging adequate fluid intake can pose significant challenges. Understanding these obstacles and implementing effective strategies becomes paramount in maintaining optimal health and quality of life for those under their care.

The Impact of Caregiving on Nutrition and Hydration

There may be challenges that arise during the care of individuals which can appear for a number of reason:

  • Dietary Restrictions: Managing dietary restrictions or preferences can be challenging, requiring careful planning and creativity in meal preparation.
  • Limited Appetite: Some individuals may experience a decreased appetite due to illness or the side effects of medication, making it difficult to meet nutritional needs.
  • Fluid Intake: Encouraging adequate fluid intake can be challenging due to decreased thirst response.

There are various strategies that caregivers can implement:

  • Collaboration with Healthcare Professionals: Consulting with dietitians can provide valuable guidance on meeting nutritional needs and addressing specific dietary concerns.
  • Nutrient-Dense Foods: Prioritising nutrient-dense foods such as, whole vegetables, fruits, cocoa, seafood, eggs, and liver, can help ensure that individuals receive essential nutrients even with smaller portion sizes.
  • Hydration Monitoring: Using hydration tracking tools or reminders can help caregivers monitor fluid intake and encourage regular hydration.

With the right people, Care 24-7 specialise in person-centred care and ensure all personal care needs are met from caregivers who have the skillset to identify any needed additional treatment.

Our dedicated care team have full knowledge and visibility of your loved one’s care plan which can also be shared with family members, GPs, pharmacists, and district nurses. This gives families peace of mind knowing that they are in safe hands and that carers are confident, competent and take pride in delivering high quality care.

Care 24-7 logo homecare agency and finding the right home care provider for your loved one

Nutrition and hydration play integral roles in maintaining overall health and well-being, particularly for individuals receiving care. From meal preparation and assistance with feeding to hydration reminders and monitoring fluid intake, caregivers provide comprehensive support to ensure individuals receive the nutrients and fluids they need to thrive. They are trained not only to assist with dietary requirements but also to promote a positive and enjoyable dining experience, fostering a sense of dignity and independence for those in care.

By understanding the importance of nutrition and hydration and implementing appropriate strategies, caregivers can effectively support the health and well-being of individuals whilst also offering a warm and friendly approach to homecare.

Are you or a loved one interested in our homecare services?

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare
The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

As we step into 2024, it’s the perfect time to make resolutions for healthy ageing. While delving into the specifics of these resolutions, everyone’s journey towards growing old healthy is unique and the key is to make sustainable changes that align with personal preferences and needs. When maintaining physical and mental well-being is prioritised, it creates an environment that supports healthy ageing. A life filled with vitality, happiness, and overall health is possible for every individual when certain resolutions are taken into account.

75 years ago one in two people died before the age of 65. These days, fewer than one in seven people do so.

Prioritise Regular Exercise

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

Physical activity is a cornerstone of healthy ageing. Commit to a resolution of staying active in 2024, whether it’s daily walks, gentle yoga, or joining a local seniors’ fitness class, find an activity that suits certain abilities and interests. There are a range of benefits associated with this. Regular exercise helps maintain muscle mass, improve balance, and boost cardiovascular health. It can also combat feelings of loneliness by providing opportunities for social interaction with fellow participants. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine, this ensures that the activity won’t interfere with any current medical conditions or ailments, preventing complications.

Maintain a Nutrient-Rich Diet

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

Eating well is another vital component of ageing gracefully. Consider making dietary resolutions in 2024 to improve nutrition. Aim to incorporate a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables into meals, as they are rich in essential vitamins and antioxidants. Whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats should also be part of the daily intake. Stews are a great dinner option for cold winter evenings and can be filled with root vegetables and lentils. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and limit the consumption of sugary and processed foods. Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining cognitive function and preventing chronic illnesses, so make it a priority this year.

Foster Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

Healthy Ageing Resolutions for 2024

Healthy ageing extends beyond the physical realm and encompasses mental and emotional wellbeing too. By engaging in activities that stimulate your brain, such as reading, puzzles, or learning a new skill, it promotes a healthy mind and prevents stress. Staying socially connected or participating in community activities can maintain relationships with family and friends. Consider seeking professional support if dealing with mental health issues like anxiety or depression. Remember, taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. If your mind is not well, then your physical body is more susceptible to illnesses.

Care 24-7

The Care 24-7 team applies the right skills and knowledge to determine what support is needed. Our main priority is that this service fits easily into people’s lives and is immediately responsive to any changes in need that occur.
Our service is designed to support people to be as independent as possible, enabling them to regain or maintain their quality of life in their own home.
Our team’s understanding of specific needs ensures a healthy and thriving environment for all.

The Importance of Nutrition in Homecare

By embarking on this healthy journey in 2024, remember that small steps can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. Prioritise regular exercise, maintain a nutrient-rich diet, and foster mental and emotional health to ensure ageing gracefully and healthily. Care 24-7 is here to support that journey to a happier, healthier life as a senior. Let’s make 2024 a year filled with vitality and joy where age truly becomes just a number.

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The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare
The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

For many seniors in care facilities or living independently, there’s something profoundly comforting about the timeless bond between humans and animals. A bond that has the power to bring immeasurable joy, comfort, and healing to the lives of our elderly loved ones. The heartwarming effects of pet therapy for seniors can enrich the lives of loved ones. It can add to the already many benefits of homecare to create a fulfilling life. The unique bond between seniors and their animal companions fosters a holistic approach to well-being, promoting not only physical fitness but also mental and emotional resilience.

Pet therapy isn’t just a feel-good concept; it’s backed by solid scientific evidence. Numerous studies have shown that interacting with animals can have a range of positive effects on seniors’ physical and mental well-being.

One survey, by The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), showed that 74% of pet owners reported mental health improvements from pet ownership. One of the mental health benefits of owning a pet is lower stress levels.

How to Incorporate Pet Therapy at Home

The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors
  • Start by selecting a pet that matches the senior’s personality, physical abilities, and living situation. Smaller dogs or cats are often a good choice for those in smaller living spaces, while larger, more active dogs may be suitable for those with more space and mobility.
  • Periodically assess how well the senior is coping with the responsibilities of pet ownership and the overall impact on their well-being. Adjustments may be necessary as the needs change.
  • Ensure that the home is pet-friendly by removing potential hazards and securing dangerous items out of reach. This includes toxic plants, chemicals, and small objects that a pet could swallow.
  • Seniors may need assistance with exercising their pets. Make sure the senior can handle the physical demands of the pet’s exercise needs. Walking a dog, for example, can be an excellent form of exercise for both them and the pet.

Care 24-7

The Care 24-7 team use the right skills and knowledge to care for your loved one. It is crucially important that care is received from the right people and the Care 24-7 team understand and appreciate that the right culture is essential in any care setting. They work with local NHS, council and private clients to ensure that person-centred care plans are developed to meet individual needs. Find Out More

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Boosting Mental and Emotional Well-being

The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

Aging can sometimes bring about cognitive challenges such as dementia and depression. Pet therapy has been shown to boost mental and emotional well-being in seniors. The interaction with animals can stimulate memory, improve mood, and provide a sense of purpose and routine, making each day a bit brighter for our elderly loved ones.

  • Stress Reduction: Interacting with animals, whether through petting, cuddling, or simply being in their presence, triggers the release of oxytocin and reduces stress hormone levels in the body. This calming effect can help loved ones manage daily stressors and maintain a more relaxed state of mind.
  • Alleviation of Loneliness: Loneliness is a prevalent issue, especially those living alone or in care facilities. Pets offer constant companionship and unconditional love, providing seniors with a deep sense of connection that combats feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • Sense of Purpose: Caring for a pet gives loved ones a sense of purpose and responsibility. This responsibility can be especially vital for those who have retired or experienced a loss of daily routine. Knowing that a pet relies on them for care and attention can boost self-esteem and provide motivation.
  • Cognitive Stimulation: Interacting with pets requires seniors to engage their cognitive faculties, such as remembering feeding schedules, teaching tricks, or responding to their pet’s cues. This mental engagement can help maintain cognitive function and stimulate memory.

Physical Benefits of Pet Interaction

The Heartwarming Effects of Pet Therapy for Seniors

Beyond the emotional and mental advantages, pet therapy can also have tangible physical benefits for seniors. Activities like walking a dog or simply petting a cat can encourage them to stay active, increase their mobility, and even improve their overall physical health. These small actions can lead to significant improvements in their quality of life.

  • Increased Physical Activity: Caring for a pet, especially dogs, often involves activities like walking, playing, and grooming. These activities encourage seniors to engage in regular physical exercise, especially during the cold winter months which is essential for maintaining mobility and strength.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Health: The physical exertion associated with activities such as walking a dog can lead to improved cardiovascular health. Regular exercise helps lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase overall heart health.
  • Reduced Risk of Depression: The companionship of a pet can lower the risk of depression and improve mental well-being. Loved ones who experience fewer symptoms of depression are more likely to engage in physical activities and take better care of their overall health.
  • Pain Distraction: Pets can serve as a pleasant distraction from chronic pain. Seniors may find comfort and solace in their pet’s presence, reducing the focus on physical discomfort.

Pet therapy for seniors offers a multifaceted approach to enhancing their overall well-being. Through the physical, mental, and emotional benefits it brings, it becomes evident that the companionship of animals holds tremendous potential to improve the lives of our elderly loved ones. Seniors not only experience reduced stress, enhanced cardiovascular health, and increased physical activity by caring for their pets, but they also gain a sense of purpose and reduced feelings of loneliness. This winter, why not consider a pet for your loved one to help keep them company over the holiday season.

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The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare
The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The benefits of music therapy for seniors receiving homecare is profound. This kind of therapy has an impact on their physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being. The art of music can be a beacon of hope, joy, and healing in the golden years of life. It is extremely beneficial within a care setting and there are various ways to implement it into the homecare setting.

There are around 800 registered music therapists in the UK. This helps regulate emotion as well as social and relational communication with loved ones and carers.

Research indicates a decrease in the use of medication for individuals receiving music therapy more than for those not receiving music therapy. 

Research also found that persons over 60 who only began to learn to play the piano and continued during 6 months showed improved results in working memory tests as well as tests of motor skills and perceptual speed, in comparison to a control group without treatment.

What is Music Therapy?

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Music therapy is a holistic and evidence-based healthcare practice that utilises the power of music to address a wide range of physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. Certified therapists sing, play instruments, and listen to music, to engage individuals in therapeutic experiences tailored to their specific goals and challenges.

It has been found effective in numerous settings, including hospitals, schools, and rehabilitation centers. It is particularly valuable for individuals of all ages, from children with developmental disorders to seniors with dementia, as it provides a non-verbal means of communication and can significantly improve overall well-being and quality of life. Some of the benefits of this therapy include:

  • Promotes relaxation and manages stress
  • Encourages emotional expression
  • Provides cognitive stimulation
  • Social interaction
  • Supports individuals in times of loss / trauma
  • Improves communication and speech

Implementing Music Therapy in Homecare

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Implementing music therapy in a homecare setting involves several crucial steps to ensure that seniors receive the maximum benefits from this therapeutic approach. By working closely with qualified therapists and integrating it into daily routines, seniors can experience the numerous benefits that it offers in the comfort of their own homes.

Therapists will continually assess the individual’s progress throughout the therapy sessions to address evolving needs and goals. Regular communication between the music therapist, caregivers, and other healthcare professionals involved in the care ensures that the therapy remains effective and responsive to the individual’s changing circumstances. Ways to implement this therapy include:

  • Find qualified therapists in the local area here.
  • Tailor therapy plans
  • Integrate it into daily care routines
  • Monitor progress

Care 24-7

The Care 24-7 team use the right skills and knowledge to care for your loved one. It is crucially important that care is received from the right people and the Care 24-7 team understand and appreciate that the right culture is essential in any care setting. They work with local NHS, council and private clients to ensure that person-centred care plans are developed to meet individual needs.

The Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Implementing music therapy can be a transformative and highly beneficial approach for individuals receiving homecare. By working with certified therapists, tailoring individualised therapy plans, integrating it into daily routines and monitoring progress, individuals can experience the profound advantages of this therapeutic modality.

Music therapy not only enhances cognitive function, emotional well-being, and social connection but also brings joy and comfort, promoting a higher quality of life. It stands out as a powerful tool, making homecare an even more meaningful and fulfilling experience.

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The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare
The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

As we age, regular exercise and physical therapy become increasingly important for our health and independence. Seniors receiving homecare can greatly benefit from having access to an active lifestyle that is tailored to their individual needs. The benefits of exercise and physical therapy for seniors receiving homecare are vast.

Regular physical activity helps to maintain strength, mobility, memory skills, and coordination between mind and body movements, which can all improve the overall quality of life. With targeted exercises at home, many senior citizens are able to live the life they want to have, independent, mobile, and free from pain.

Improved Physical Function

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Exercise and physical therapy can help maintain or improve physical function, including strength, flexibility, and balance, making it easier to perform daily activities and prevent debilitating injuries from occurring. With homecare, physical therapy sessions can be tailored to address specific needs and concerns, whether it be improving balance to prevent falls or exercises to help in the recovery from an injury or surgery, leading to an improved quality of life. This all helps seniors to stay active, and independent and enhances their overall well-being.

  • Increased Strength and Balance: Aging often leads to a loss of muscle mass and strength, which can result in decreased balance and an increased risk of falls. Exercise and physical therapy programs can help build and maintain muscle strength, enhancing balance and reducing the risk of falls.
  • Weight Management: Those who engage in regular exercise are more equipt to manage their weight. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.
  • Prevention of Muscle and Bone Loss: Seniors are prone to muscle atrophy and bone density loss, which can result in weakness and fractures. Exercise, particularly weight-bearing activities, can help prevent these issues.

Did You Know?

Older adults in receipt of formal home support services have expressed a preference for being physically active through the activities they enjoy, such as walking and gardening, rather than engaging in structured exercise programs.

Pain Management

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Pain management is a crucial aspect of healthcare, particularly for seniors who may experience chronic pain due to age-related conditions such as arthritis or discomfort from injuries and surgeries. Exercise and physical therapy can be valuable components of a comprehensive management strategy. Not only can it help manage pain, but it can also enhance independence. Being able to perform daily tasks can provide a sense of empowerment and control over one’s life. Through these practices, it is easier to engage in activities that are enjoyable.

  • Education and Self-Management: Physical therapists educate seniors about their conditions, pain triggers, and strategies for self-management. Teaching techniques such as proper body mechanics, posture, and ergonomic adjustments to reduce pain in daily activities.
  • Post-Surgery Recovery: Many people receive homecare after surgeries, such as joint replacements or orthopedic procedures. Physical therapy plays a critical role in post-surgery recovery by guiding patients through exercises and techniques to regain strength and mobility while managing pain.
  • Prevention of Secondary Health Issues: Chronic pain can lead to secondary health issues such as depression, sleep disturbances, and reduced physical activity. By effectively managing pain through exercise and physical therapy, seniors can reduce the risk of these associated problems.

Enhanced Independence

The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Therapy for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Not only does regular physical activity help to prevent illness and improve mental health, but it can also provide enhanced independence in order to continue living comfortably at home. This results in the confidence to meet friends and family knowing that they are fit and strong enough to do so. It reduces a reliance on caregivers for daily tasks and reinvigorates independence which is so important to live a stress-free, happy life.

  • Cognitive Benefits: Regular physical activity has been shown to have cognitive benefits, such as improved memory and mental clarity. These benefits can help to make better decisions about care and daily routines, further promoting independence.
  • Social Interaction: Participating in group exercise classes or physical therapy sessions gives opportunities for social interaction. These interactions can combat social isolation and contribute to a sense of independence and community.
  • Home Safety: Physical therapists can assess the home environment to identify potential safety hazards and recommend modifications to reduce the risk of accidents, this further promotes independence.

Homecare with Care 24-7

• The Care 24-7 team use the right skills and knowledge to establish the kind of homecare needed.
• Whether this be related to physical therapy or medication management.
• Our team works with local NHS, council and private clients to ensure that person-centred care plans are developed.
• This level of care means you can stay in the right place, your home and remain independent for longer.

It is important for seniors to maintain their dignity and self-sufficiency as they age. Not only can it help maintain health but it also offers the potential for a higher quality of life. It can be challenging to find activities which are appropriate and meaningful for older adults at this crucial stage in their lives, however with the right resources and support, they can thrive.

Exercise and physical therapy sessions give seniors an extra boost of confidence knowing they’re still able to do something active and be proactive in their healthcare. Homecare is designed for those who need a little extra assistance maintaining independence while ensuring they are comfortable, safe, and supported throughout their daily lives. With the right care available to them, they can feel empowered, invigorated, and healthy.

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The Benefits of Socialisation for Seniors Receiving Homecare

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
The Benefits of Socialisation for Seniors Receiving Homecare

The Benefits of Socialisation for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Socialisation is a vital part of life, and this especially holds true for seniors. For homecare recipients, forging meaningful relationships and actively taking part in the community can be a challenging task; however, it is beneficial to maintain an active social life as research has found that those with strong social networks experience fewer health issues than their isolated peers. The benefits of socialisation for seniors receiving homecare are vast and it creates a world that is bigger with more opportunities for everyone.

Reduced feelings of isolation

As we age, it’s important to maintain social connections to keep our spirits high and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. This is especially important for those who receive homecare, as they may have limited opportunities to interact with others throughout the day.

Socialisation can provide a range of benefits for older adults, including keeping their minds engaged, improving overall wellbeing, and decreasing the risk of depression. Joining a community group, or simply going for a coffee with friends and family, there are many ways to stay connected with others in order for seniors to thrive.

Did You Know?

50% of individuals aged over 60 are at risk of social isolation and one-third will experience some degree of loneliness later in life.

The Benefits of Socialisation for Seniors Receiving Homecare

Improves mental health

Not only does it provide opportunities for seniors to connect with others and form meaningful relationships, but it can also have a positive impact on mental health. It can boost mood, and even improve physical health. Engaging in social activities and forming meaningful relationships can reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.

Socialisation improves memory function and helps to maintain a positive outlook on life. It allows people to feel connected to their community and to continue to learn and grow. Whether it’s joining a local book club, or volunteering at a nearby charity, it is evident these are all important elements in maintaining good mental health.

Ways to stay connected:

• Technology-based communication such as smart phones can be used for video calls.
• Focus on relationships or activities that are enjoyable.
• Volunteer to meet others and share experiences.
• Consider caring for a cat, dog or bird which can help give structure to the day and be a catalyst for social interaction.

Enhances cognitive function and physical health

Not only does it provide an opportunity to form new relationships but it also offers a range of cognitive benefits. Socialising has been found to help improve memory, language skills, and problem-solving abilities as cognitive function declines with age. By engaging in activities that allow connection with others, they can maintain and even enhance their cognitive abilities, helping to improve their overall quality of life.

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are factors associated with increased risk of accelerated decline in thinking skills in later life. This shows the importance of interacting with other people and remaining social as we age. Cultivating connections with people of different ages, for example by staying in touch with grandchildren, keeps the brain young, playful and active. This keeps stress levels down and blood pressure healthy and normal.

Elderly woman and young woman together and Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: Tips and Strategies

At Care 24-7, we employ people living locally to serve our communities and businesses. We work closely with local communities ensuring that services meet the diverse and cultural needs of everyone. Our team’s understanding of the community means they can engage with people and access local amenities easily, encouraging socialisation and interaction within the community.

Taking the time to encourage meaningful social activity and interaction among the elderly will bring with it numerous health and well-being benefits. Companionship, support, and relationship building are all part of this experience, which together helps to combat loneliness commonly associated with elderly care at home. Finding outlets to participate in and taking part in activities that are enjoyable, empowers seniors to live fulfilled lives and improves their cognitive function and mental health. It’s never too late to let connections begin or grow.

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The Benefits of Respite Care for Family Caregivers

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
The Benefits of Respite Care for Family Caregivers

The Benefits of Respite Care for Family Caregivers

Caring for a loved one is one of the most rewarding experiences, but it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. As a family caregiver, you may feel like you have no time for yourself. However, respite care can be an option that offers relief from this. The benefits of respite care for family caregivers are varied and it can be an invaluable support system to help lighten the workload while ensuring your loved one is still receiving quality care. It offers many benefits to both the primary caregivers and those being cared for that make it worth considering as part of any comprehensive long-term care plan.

Types of Respite Care:

Short stays in care homes: care is provided in a residential home, a nursing home or a local care home that offers short-term facilities.
Homecare from a paid carer: a caregiver who comes to your home for a few hours daily, weekly, or as needed.
Informal: care is provided by family or friends.

Enhanced quality of care

Caring for a family member with a chronic illness or disability may be emotionally and physically exhausting. Continuous caregiving without breaks can compromise the quality of care provided as exhaustion takes over. The amount of time and energy required to provide daily care can quickly add up, which may lead to difficulties emotionally.

This is where respite care comes in as a much-needed support system. It provides temporary relief, allowing the family member to recharge and take a break while a professional caregiver steps in to care for their loved one. This not only enhances the quality of care they receive but also allows families to maintain their own health and well-being.

Professional providers have the right skills, knowledge, and experience to meet the specific needs of your loved one resulting in continuity of high-level care and a service you can rely on. By giving caregivers a chance to rest and recharge, it ensures that families are able to provide the best possible care for their loved ones.

Care at Care 24-7

At Care 24-7 we offer practical homecare that includes respite care for family carers. We work to create a bespoke plan based entirely on your needs. Care visits can last from 30 minutes to 24 hour care.

Our staff are well rested and supported, giving you assurance that we are providing the highest level of person-centred care

The Benefits of Respite Care for Family Caregivers

Reduces stress

Caring for a loved one can take up a lot of time and may cause stress when dealing with it and life’s normal duties on top of it. Caregivers are often tasked with juggling their own responsibilities while providing consistent care for their loved one. This can be especially straining if a loved one is disabled and a lot of physical energy is required to take care of them.

This type of care is a vital service that offers much-needed relief and support for families. It can range from a few hours to a few days or even weeks. During this time, others can recharge, rest, and more importantly take care of their own physical and mental health. By utilising this type of care, caregivers can gain perspective, helping to continue delivering quality of care for their loved ones after a well-earned break.

Improved family relationships

As families come together to provide care for loved ones, sometimes the challenges of caregiving can become overwhelming. The emotional toll can be physically and mentally exhausting, leaving them feeling depleted and overwhelmed. Respite care allows families to spend quality time together, fostering stronger bonds and improving overall communication. It can also provide space for siblings to receive individual attention and support.

Families will have time to reflect on their own needs and concerns. Communication and discussions surrounding emotions and seeking assistance can be raised naturally. This leads to increased empathy and collaboration among family members, ultimately creating healthier family dynamics.

Respite care is a vital support system that helps families manage caregiving and restores a sense of balance to their lives. Knowing that their loved ones are in capable hands provides peace of mind, giving them the ability to step away from their caregiving role without worry or guilt. It is a compassionate solution that recognises the dedication of families and provides them with the support they need to continue providing excellent care which in turn strengthens family relationships.

Want to know more about our Respite Care services?

5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Maintain Their Independence at Home

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider
Careworker and elderly woman

5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Maintain Their Independence at Home

As our parents and grandparents age, it is important to create an environment that nurtures their independence for longer. Fortunately, there are many ways to do this and with our 5 ways to help your loved one maintain their independence at home, families can ensure they maintain a good quality of life for as long as possible.

1. Safety modifications

As our loved ones age, their safety becomes a top priority. It can be a difficult and emotional transition when they begin to require modifications to their home environment but with their help, they can continue to live comfortably in their homes. These changes can include anything from grab bars in the bathroom to ramps for wheelchair accessibility. With compassion and understanding, the following adjustments can be made to their homes and provide the peace of mind they deserve.

  • Grab bars: installed in key areas like bathrooms, hallways and bedrooms to provide extra support and stability.
  • Improved lighting: sufficient lighting helps to prevent falls and accidents at night time.
  • Stair lifts: can make it easy for your loved one to move around their home. This prevents a risk of falls.
  • Bathroom modifications: from non-slip mats to raised toilet seats and walk-in showers, these can prevent accidents.
  • Wheelchair ramps: installing ramps makes it easier to enter and leave their house when using a mobility aid. This allows them to move around more freely.

Speaking with an Occupational Therapist or carrying out research, can really help when deciding what kind of modifications to make that will benefit everyone involved. You can contact your healthcare professional about a referral for an Occupational Therapist.

2. Stay connected

As families of elderly loved ones, our primary goal is to ensure their well-being and quality of life. Staying connected is critical whether they need to contact a family member or have an emergency they need help with. This can be done through the following ways:

  • Videos calls: allow family members to stay in touch without intruding on their space.
  • Alarm systems: help them to feel safer while living alone. These can be personalised fall alarms or house alarms.
  • Youtube videos: provides assistance with exercise routines and personal development videos.
  • In-home cameras: provides a sense of security as to who might be entering their home.
  • Telehealth services: provides them with medical support through video calls where their medical needs can be catered to.

By building a support network with family, friends and care providers, they can feel empowered to take charge of their lives. It helps our loved ones maintain their independence at home and leads to healthy, happier lives.

Did You know?

All regions in England are projected to have a greater proportion of people aged 65 years and over by mid-2028.

5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Maintain Their Independence at Home

3. Homecare services

Homecare services can be a great option for your loved one for many reasons. Working with experienced caregivers and through personalised support it can meet their unique needs and preferences. With the right care plan in place, it helps them to maintain their sense of self while also providing peace of mind for everyone involved.

At Care 24-7, we are committed to supporting independence, dignity and privacy and our staff are fully trained to provide care that promotes health, safety and wellbeing.

Some of our homecare services:

Personal homecare:
• Bathing, showering and meal preparation.
• Medication support or management.

Practical homecare:
• Respite for family carers.
• Collecting pension and paying bills.

You can trust and have confidence knowing your loved one is in safe hands with competent homecare that takes pride in delivering high quality care. Allowing your loved one to stay in the right place, their home.

4. Delivery services

Delivery services can bring the essentials right to their doorstep so they get what they need without having to leave the comfort and safety of their own home. With so many great delivery options available, there’s never been a better time to explore these services. Deliveries can come in the form of:

  • Weekly food shop deliveries.
  • Meals delivered from their favourite restaurants.
  • Medication deliveries from pharmacies and doctors.

This allows them to feel like they are accomplishing what they need to do on their own and within their own homes. Not only does this help them feel more in control of their lives, but it puts everyone’s mind at ease, knowing that they have everything they need without having to navigate unfamiliar stores or public spaces

5. Promote physical activities

One of the most effective ways families can support their loved ones in staying independent is through regular exercise and by taking up hobbies. Engaging in physical activity can increase strength, improve balance and coordination, and boost energy levels. It can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, which can help minimise the risk of depression and dementia. Other health benefits include reducing the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease and arthritis. Physical activities don’t have to be too strenuous and can come in the form of:

  • Walking: even a walk around the garden can help to boost morale.
  • Tai Chi: provides relief from arthritis and improves balance, stability, and flexibility.
  • Light yoga: this can be done at home and helps to improve co-ordination and mental clarity.
  • Painting: boosts morale and keeps them mentally busy. Also helps with co-ordination and focus.

By encouraging elderly relatives to adopt a regular exercise routine, they will be better equipped to continue living independently and enjoying the things they love. Exercising at home is a convenient and effective solution. with the right guidance, support, and equipment.

5 Ways to Help Your Loved One Maintain Their Independence at Home

Through the above 5 steps, from safety modifications to promoting physical activities, your loved one will be living an independent life, safe in the knowledge they are still being well cared for. With thoughtful proactive planning and the implementation of these tips, you can provide your loved one with a dignified home life as they age. At Care 24-7, our aim is to help you achieve this.

Find out more about our homecare services today.

Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: Tips and Strategies

5 tips on finding the right homecare provider

Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: Tips and Strategies

Taking care of a loved one who is dealing with this condition can be rewarding, yet difficult, whether they are an elderly parent or family member living with the condition. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed without the proper advice and support. There are many strategies and tips available to support families and caregivers in providing the best possible care for their loved one dealing with this progressive illness. We will provide you with information about caring for your loved one with dementia with tips and strategies, in order to make life easier for both you and your loved one.

1. Try to understand the condition

By learning as much as possible about it, caregivers gain the knowledge to make well-informed decisions for their family member. Read resources or watch videos to educate yourself, resources such as Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK can be invaluable sources of information and guidance.

This will help you to understand it in detail which will leave you in a better position to help your loved one. The more you know about it, the more you can provide support and care for them. It is also beneficial to learn about the 4 different types of the condition and their symptoms:

  • Alzheimer’s disease: trouble recognising people, cannot communicate, impulsive behaviour.
  • Frontotemporal: excessive emotions, shaky hands, problems with balance.
  • Lewy body: inability to concentrate, muscle rigidity, reduced facial expressions.
  • Vascular: hallucinations or delusions, misplacing items, poor judgement.

Understanding the basics, such as its onset and progression, can help families realise that it’s normal for loved ones living with it to have changes in mood and behavior.

Did You Know?

There are 64,142 people currently living with the condition in Ireland. 

This number is expected to rise alongside an aging population to 150,131 by 2045.

2. Simplify the environment

Simplifying the environment can be a challenge for many caregivers but it is very beneficial as it will avoid confusion and unwanted accidents, such as falls and injuries. As families of patients want a comfortable and safe environment for their loved ones, simplicity can be key in fostering a peaceful home.

Living in an overly stimulating setting with excess clutter, loud noises or bright lights could cause their loved one to become confused. It becomes difficult to make sense of immediate surroundings causing distress.

There are three simple steps to take in simplifying the home:

1. The first step is to put objects and items away that can cause confusion and stress. This means removing them from walkways when they are not needed, preventing falls.

2. Keeping the environment clean and uncluttered is key. Cleaning often will create a more structured environment for your loved one where they can feel at ease and comfortable inviting guests over, allowing them to remain sociable.

3. Place colourful labels on items and drawers. This saves time and confusion when looking for certain items and will help with memory loss if they forget where they left something.

3. Communicate effectively

For families and caregivers of sufferers, communication is essential in order to maintain a meaningful connection. Having a positive outlook and creating a loving atmosphere will boost morale. Allowing plenty of time for answering questions when communicating and using physical prompts such as gestures can be very effective also. It’s important to remain patient and kind while ensuring your loved one feels respected and valued throughout any conversation taking place.

Tips on Communicating:

• Speak in a calm and reassuring manner.
• Use simple, clear language.
• Be patient and understanding.
• Maintain eye contact.

3. Activity participation

One of the best ways to care for your loved one is to help them remain active. This can mean getting them involved in day-to-day tasks in and around the home. Providing activities can improve the quality of life of both them and their families and caregivers.

Families should first consult with their elderly loved one’s medical professionals to tailor activities based on their individual care plan. These activities should be enjoyable and encourage socialisation, helping the patient retain mental sharpness and muscle strength. Visually stimulating activities, activities that refine visual perception skills and involve the brain processing what the human eye sees, can be extremely beneficial.

Activities that provide visual stimulation include:

  • Painting.
  • Gardening.
  • Completing jigsaw puzzles.
  • Playing board games.

Activities are an essential component in the treatment of this condition; engaging in them can strengthen relationships when they are carried out together and provide peace of mind for families.

At Care 24-7, we aspire to support people living with this condition to live healthy, active and fulfilling lives promoting choice, dignity and well-being. 

older person home care services in bradford and leeds and Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: Tips and Strategies

Caring for a loved one with this condition may seem like an impossible task but with the various strategies above and different resources available, it can be manageable. The family’s love and support can go a long way to comforting their loved one.

Homecare plays an integral part in helping to maintain quality of life while managing the physical and emotional needs of those living with this condition. It is important to help maintain comfort, safety, and quality of life for all involved.

Want to know more about our dementia services?